Long before I went to grad school, I worked for a construction company that specialized in building water and...
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Sorry, this was all my Fault
When I was a wee undergrad, I lived through the first wave of political correctness. At the risk of dating...
db’s DIY Corner with Your Host, db
Those who know me, know that I'm a bit of a DIYer. Not sure why, but I'm always drawn to trying to build or...
What Are We Reading for November 2020
Brett L How Not To Piss Off Your Post-Partum Wife. TPTB can't tell if it's working. mexican sharpshooter I...
University in Romania: on attending a top 10000 technical university
I decided to write a bit about my Romanian university experience, in a more descriptive fashion than wistful...
Feedback Requested
Editor's Note: Brett L has graciously allowed his Afternoon Links to be preempted today so that Mustang's...
Culture in America – Where It all Begins… and Ends. Part 2/2
The liberties of our Country, the freedom of our civil constitution are worth defending at all hazards: And...
Culture in America – Where It all Begins… and Ends; Part 1, a primer
I have had the good fortune to have traveled extensively my whole life. I've driven through all but one of...
The Title Doctor for Physician vs. PhD vs. Doctorate
Few things have riled up the Glibertariat lately as much as the title of Dr. for PhDs and Doctorates. It’s...
How to talk Romanian good
I had a post back in the day where I regaled the glibs with tales of my learning English and a few audio...