I succeeded in finding two newer movies for Halloween, starting with last week's feature. That challenge, as...
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Ghost Stories
Ghost Stories Short Film: Brutal Relax This has been a rough Halloween season. Normally I am King of...
Diani and Devine Meet the Apocalypse
Diani and Devine Meet the Apocalypse Short Subject: Mr Moocher Some of you may remember a wonderful film...
Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell
Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell Short Feature: The Beer Parade The short this week is a very, very rare...
Glibcrostic 9
I hear you out there asking "How do you do it, Hype? How do you make these wonderful puzzles?" So over the...
Let’s Burn!
I keep thinking I'll produce some grand treatise on something or other, but never find the time to sit down...
Battle Beneath the Earth
Battle Beneath the Earth Sadly, the link to The Dark Backwards on TUBI remains broken. I always test the...
Glibcrostic 8
Something about solving acrostics...friendly jab about you people...entertainment only...no gambling...and so...
It Can Be Done Amigo
It Can Be Done Amigo Bonus Cartoon: The House that Jack Built Columbia made a lot of what I would consider...
Glibcrostic 7
Right, while you all tried to play it cool last week I can tell that you are jonesing for more fun fun...