I got my terrain materials back, still in boxes, but UCS has been waiting, so I mentioned it and got this...
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Wednesday night links of humping day
News is still pretty slow, let's see what we can find. Just dump some bleach on it. You...
Tuesday night open post of debate
Ice cold Heinekin after a day of yard work is delightful. Fight me. Pineapple NEVER belongs on...
The Night Shift for March 7, 2020
I’m starting this one a few hours after Super Tuesday (insert whichever joke you like), and it occurred to me...
Stanky Pork Jerky
So I was cruising through the deep freeze to see what was in there when I came across a six pound pork...
The Night Shift for February 29, 2020
So, I get to put up a Leap Year post. As you all know, I’m all about weirdness. And, this weirdest of...
Sunday afternoon open post
Booze, squirrels, Word Press and Sunday make for a bad combo. We will soon return to regular...
The Night Shift for February 22, 2020
Between all the personal loss, grief, and the assorted stress and strife going around our little community of...
A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Come
The recent discussions of an expanded West Virginia or Greater Idaho led me to a thought on how this should...
Tuesday night open post
Waaaayyy too much stuff going on these days not to be able to fill an open links. Go for it. ...