Editor's note: You all know what happened. We dropped the ball and didn't get the post scheduled last...
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The Night Shift for February
Wednesday night open post
Have at it folks. I'm fixing dinner and don't have time to scrounge for links. I linked to the...
Tuesday night ooooooopen post!
Today was a target rich environment. I leave it to you Glibs to dig up the gold, because there was...
The Night Shift for February 1, 2020
Now that I’m finished with my holiday time off for the Winter, everything seems kind of…”meh”. The incessant...
The Night Shift for January 25, 2020
What’s that ringing sound? It’s just me, phoning it in. Before I get going, a big Thanks to TPTB for...
Thursday night open post
Tear it up Glibbies, the floor is yours. We miss ya, Stevie.
The Night Shift for January 18, 2020
Well, whaddya know--two Night Shift posts in three weeks! That must be some kind of record, or, something. ...
Great Glibs Debate Round 2: Ozymandias vs. leon
Watch as Glibs DESTROY each other with FACTS and LOGIC. In this edition, we have Ozymandias vs. leon. The...
He’s baaaaccckkk
I completely shot my wad providing top quality afternoon links, so you'll have to fill in the blanks...
Heh heh heh…
Final Dem debate tonight. Will Warren bitch slap Bernie? Will Joe stutter and forget where he is? Will...