While its been discussed in every comment thread here for the past 48 hours, we’re going to discuss the drugs...
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Coloring for Adults A few months back I was looking for a specific gift, and upon purchase, I says...
The Arizona Autism Convention
You probably noticed I was gone last week, or you were especially moved by my in memoriam for Bob Saget. No?...
Sucking Dick for Coke
So when I was growing up, I would hang out with my cousins. That shouldn’t be an issue but now that I’m...
Chai Boy
My roommate in college walked in to our apartment with a shit eating grin he previously reserved for the time...
The Glibbest Year in Review
I got all the primo slots this holiday season. Ha ha! Take that Sugarfree! This is my review of Deadfall...
The X-Mas Special Delivery
Relax its really not. If you are anything like me you’re probably somewhere else, and not here...With other...
No Laughing Matter
To think I was having trouble choosing between making fun of another “rednecks in the mist” article as...
The Greatest Debate
The greatest debate of our time has nothing to do with guns, abortion, government overreach, foreigners...
Flight of the Valkyries
Everyone complains about these but sometimes it can be fun. This is my review of Tombstone Brewing Buck Nutty...