As was briefly touched on previously, the glory (and blame) for tiki culture can be set at the feet of two...
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A Primer on Cocktail History
While beer, wine, and mead have been around since ancient times, it took a while longer for people to learn...
Cocktails after the SHTF – Making your own ingredients
So far, we’ve been assuming that you have access to a decently stocked store that carries the supplies that...
Drinks to Culturally Appropriate the March holiday – Cocktails 202
The Irish Coffee… there are few drinks as often ordered, and routinely butchered. On its own, it’s a fairly...
Cocktails 201 – Let’s start getting beyond the basics.
Since we’ve been going with big drinks the past couple of times, I’m going to tone it down a bit this time. ...
Martinis – Stirred, never shaken.
The Martini is a classic drink that has been deconstructed, reconstructed, torn down, and slapped together...
Mixed Drinks 102 – Getting Fancy
Up to this point, most of the drinks I’ve provided have been pretty simple and straightforward. The recipes...
Mixed Drinks 101 – Ratios
Previously, we’ve stuck to cocktails, which in the classic definition have strict requirements. Today, we’ll...
Cocktails 102 – Classic forgotten cocktails
Where do we go next? That would be citrus (for juice and zest) and liqueurs (flavored infusions - usually...
Cocktails 101
Let’s start with a definition. A cocktail is a combination of four ingredients in glorious balance: sugar,...