I’m back, just getting caught back up and realized once Starlink gets through beta testing in a few years, I...
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Wet Acceptance Saturates American Culture
31 year old Sage Azurewood knew they was different after returning to in-person meetings of the Portland Ink...
Glibbooks 12 – Re-reading
Big puzzle this week, so big the online version may be a little hard to read, on my browser (Chrome) the grid...
In Defense of Medical Suicide
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small...
A Tangent on Statins
The widespread use of statins is the end-point to the postulate, starting early last century, that high serum...
“Wherever you are, help is on the way”
The Outback The Australian outback has been romanticized by authors and film makers. Its reality is hard...
Musings on Dobbs
Caveat: the following is largely based on my recollections of a law review article I drafted over 30...
How Hospitals Work
Its an interesting exercise, trying to unpack something very complicated that you live in every day, so that...
Risk Management
The reaction to the pandemic at all levels – government, social, individual – strikes me first and foremost...
Back of the Napkin: Government Funded Healthcare
A recurring complaint in American political discourse is the short-comings of the healthcare system in the...