Bean wants to join in, But Lily remembers how much of a dick he was to her when she was a pup. Remember last...
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IFLA: The “Sticks” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of March 19
Gotta keep a strong neck to throw your opponents Mark your calendar! Wednesday is going to be...
IFLA: The “I Still Like Snow” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of March 12
Fresh snow makes a nice soft bed This week? Kind of boring. A very brief flare-up of anger Sunday...
IFLA: The “Mercury Running” Edition of the Week of March 5
We make a big deal out of MERCURY RETROGRADE, but that's not the only way that the (generally) closest...
IFLA: The “A Bit More Snow” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Feb 26
Such a fluffy belly! So we got a bit more snow which saves me a vast amount of work in keeping the upholstery...
IFLA: The “Busy Week” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of February 19
I'm totally ok with Lily tossing around Broghan One of those rare weeks where everything is going on. ...
IFLA: The “Maybe This Will Work” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Feb12
I'm running late and don't have access to a real computer. So you get whatever visuals I've already put...
IFLA the “More 101” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Feb 5
So last week someone asked what the stars had to say about the outcome of a particular football game. It's...
IFLA: The “Snow!” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Jan 29
I think I've mentioned this before, but I had a snow-deprived childhood. The lack of the stuff in...
IFLA: The “Three Good Things” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of January 22
Lily and Barkley. Barkley's owner doesn't really approve of Barkley getting all worked up, but Barkley would...