Gertie? Ignore her. Play with me. Welcome Gemini! And you get a good week with The Earth, Mercury and...
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IFLA: The “Kubrickian” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of May 21
Emma gives up trying to play with those two and decides to get my attention instead. This is a particularly...
IFLA: The “Your Lucky Day” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of May 14
Spoiler: The day in question is the 17th. Now you can go watch the dog videos. For those of you...
IFLA: The “A Bit of a Breather” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of May 6
This is Diesel, for all you Husky fans out there MERCURY RETROGRADE is still going on, but we're out of "The...
IFLA: The “Cinco de DUCK AND COVER!” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of April 30
Sometimes the wrestling is basically sumo. What's worse than MERCURY RETROGRADE? MERCURY RETROGRADE...
Glibbooks 12 – Re-reading
Big puzzle this week, so big the online version may be a little hard to read, on my browser (Chrome) the grid...
IFLA: The “Woop Woop” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of April 23
Keep on swimming, keep on swimming.... Guess what time it is boys and girls! That's...
IFLA: The “It’s Warming Up” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of April 16
Sometimes it's too hot to do much other than rest in the shade Aries' time finishes out generally...
IFLA: The “Spring” Edition of the horoscope for the Week of April 9
This is why her coat is dirty nine months out of the year. The inner planets get the most attention in this...
IFLA: The “Social Times” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of April 2
Spring is here, some of the fair-weather park-goers are coming back. Troy, Lily, Ghost, Daisy, Rex. It's time...