I have to be honest here, I was planning to phone it in this week, but then I read something that made me...
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No Love for Beowulf
I was planning to throw something together on Murray Rothbard but it turns out I only promised to do that...
The Code Duello
And Now, For Something Completely Different I’m going to expand on some deep thoughts I presented over at my...
Realistic Libertarians Need Only Apply
On to week three of my libertarian/AnCap mini profile series. It occurred to me I could choose to not talk...
Technically, your both Nazis
I am continuing my pledge to not talk about what happened this week and outline a libertarian philosopher. I...
A New Way to Understand Politics… (without any politics)
Through fortunate circumstance I happen to be on Dr. Michael Eades' email newsletter and this week's (the...
A Journey of Thought
Growing up, I never gave politics a lick. I knew my mother's family were Republicans and my Father's family...
I am The Law
In light of the open siege warfare on democracy, and the American way of life, I decided to do what I try to...
1: Preface As I've mentioned before, I work in media (nominally now), and I also try to adhere to my...
Suggestions for the well-dressed Orphan IIII
This Halloween, instead of gathering up adult diapers from the dumpster outside a nursing home to lob at your...