With the rise of the Delta variant, the renewed hysteria in the media, and the troubling push for internal...
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Prophetic Declarations
An interesting read that I vaguely remembered came up in my Twatter feed. It was one of those articles...
Elements of Symmetry
This particular piece of brain diarrhea arose out of thinking about asymmetry in the current culture, i.e....
The Decline of Institutional Trust
"I only trust you as far as I can throw you." "Trust, but verify." "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me...
(Ozy's post the other day inspired me to try and find something I wrote when I was a freshman in college in...
ZTR Work + Fun
As you may recall, the wife and I have moved out to the country (though we are not eating a lot of peaches). ...
Post Autistic Public Health
More and more things are returning to normal. Some commercial for something a lady is trying on pants and...
BLC’s Encounters with Police – Part 4 – Breakfast
5am. It's the time that Tom's Cafe opened every day but Sunday, when it opened at 6am. It was a pastime for...
This One Time, at Band Camp…
Late Summer, 1990. The August sun beat down on the young percussionists, attenuated only by the perpetual...
Back of the Napkin: Guns, Violence, and Gun Violence
The topic of gun control has once again been raised in the US. While a plain reading of the Constitution or...