In these trying times, I decided to go over a few short points I may have covered before, in a different...
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I have been surprised and disappointed by how much I got sucked into the partisan politics of the election. ...
Song Sparrow
Disclaimer: I do not and never have believed in a life after death. I do not and never have believed in the...
The Modern American
The modern American is a peculiar creature. 60 years of cultural transformation have resulted in a culture...
Random thoughts: The ideal work and home
I have a job with various moments where I have to wait for stuff to finish. Being bored and not doing...
On resisting arrest and violence: a dilemma
I decided to make a short post, hot take style, on something that has been on my mind. When someone is shot...
Skaggerak, an inlet of,
An Ice fog blocks the inlet, As ebbing tide begins, We make our way homeward, On gentle eastern winds, ...
Pin Drop
To have no Response, Abilities may seem in control, This leads to disaster, Or not, Truth be told,...
Miracle or Magic
Everyday I witness a phenomena that I don't understand, can't explain, take for granted but enjoy immensely....
Another Election Day 2020 Theory: Call Me Crazy edition
Don Escaped _______ posted an interesting article that had far more math regarding this November, so this is...