RICHARD I was rooting around inside my shed and found a book my father sent me some time ago The Dark Tower:...
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IFLA: The “It’s October Already?” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of Oct 1
I'll be back in Morengo this week, next weekend's Horoscope willon on-when pre-cast. I'll be working stage 8,...
Stoic Friday XXXVII
In life with the puppy, in 3 weeks Max has gone from this small to this big. We put him on large breed puppy...
Pie ponders: On extremist views and the left
As you may or may not have noticed, we have this lefty cancel mob thing these days, which is not going away...
IFLA: The “Rumpus” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of September 24
A while back someone asked why some card/signs get longer more detailed or divergent-from-standard...
“We Gotta Dooooo Something.”
At first I thought it was Canada descending the fastest into totalitarian madness, but then I saw the UK...
Stoic Friday XXXVI
Last Week Meditations How to Be a Stoic How to Think Like a Roman Emperor Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic If...
Joemala: Episode 201
“BOOBERT!” Fetterlump cried into the night. “BOOOOOBERT!” “You should never have shown him that video!”...
KK’s Playlist
As a fan of Top-40 pop, the vast majority of my music playlist consists of shit you have all heard of. I had...
ILFA: The “Now, With Music” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of Sep 17
narf Good news! f you survived yesterday, then tomorrow MERECURY RETROGRADE goes away. Other than that the...