Lily, Angel and Peanut. Sometimes Peanut pushes things too far. Greetings! A busy week in the skies, let's...
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Stoic Friday XXXII
Last Week Meditations How to Be a Stoic How to Think Like a Roman Emperor Seneca’s Letters from a Stoic If...
But you said there would be no math!
This may not be everyone’s (anyone’s?) cup of tea, but recently Derpetologist mentioned in the comments that...
Open Post: Miniature v. Incomplete
Discussion prompt for tonight's open post: When is something a complete (if small) work of art, and...
IFLA: The “It’s That Time Again” Edition of the Horoscope for the Week of August 27
I have no idea how I was able to upload a video this long. Must be the MERCURY RETROGRADE zaniness....
Saturday evening Price is Right! links
Bob Bill Barker Bob was an American icon. How many people remember he started on Truth or...
Stoic Friday XXXII
Last Week Meditations How to Be a Stoic How to Think Like a Roman Emperor Seneca’s Letters from a...
Joemala: Episode 198
Tony’s motorized palanquin putt-putted into the Oval Office, the red-lit dome on the top revolving...
The Glibertarian Farmer
The Glibertarian Farmer I live back in the woods, you see My woman and the kids and the dogs and me......
So what is the Official Glibertarian position on …
Once in a while, I have a tendency to ask the fair Glibs a question. It is one of my shticks, you could say....