In pondering the current scene, I’ve started to think of our society as one that has been colonized. ...
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Pie ponders: On extremist views and the left
As you may or may not have noticed, we have this lefty cancel mob thing these days, which is not going away...
Cultural Literacy, American Style
A Partially Complete and Completely Partial Survey of Sorts Disclaimer: My boss, a highly intelligent...
I Just Don’t Like Country Music
This one time in the Air Force, I was at a tech school waiting in line to speak with an NCO. He and a few...
The Degradation of Grimace
So, Grimace is problematic in the McDonalds genre. He arrived on scene in 1971, but he was an asshole, who...
Property in a post-communist environment
I got the idea of post with a question for the Glibs from a series of posts on this very site. I fear this...
Why Wouldn’t Warlords Take Over?
Recently, in a discussion on various forms of government or lack thereof, and anarchy in particular, I...
The Two Questions
Living, as we do, in an increasingly low trust society, the rational consumer of information (and especially...
Whyfore Verse?
I have made no secret of my bias towards prose. It is self-evidently the superior form of written...
UnCivil Reviews – Gotham Knights
The first thing the developers of Gotham Knights want you to know is that it is not an Arkham game. The...