ChatGPT is probably the most well-known Artificial Intelligence platform. First released in November 2022, in...
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The United Colonies of America
In pondering the current scene, I’ve started to think of our society as one that has been colonized. ...
I Could Have Shaken Trump’s Hand …
The Iowa caucuses have generally been the first test in the quadrennial race for the White House. This year...
Pie ponders: On extremist views and the left
As you may or may not have noticed, we have this lefty cancel mob thing these days, which is not going away...
John Daly for President
Here's a lazy, rambling, and pointless article for when there's absolutely nothing better to post at glibs...
Why Wouldn’t Warlords Take Over?
Recently, in a discussion on various forms of government or lack thereof, and anarchy in particular, I...
Glibbooks 12 – Re-reading
Big puzzle this week, so big the online version may be a little hard to read, on my browser (Chrome) the grid...
Profiles in Toxic Masculinity, Part 16 – Theodore Roosevelt
Profiles in Toxic Masculinity, Part 16 – Theodore Roosevelt Appearances Can Be Deceiving See this old photo...
The Alaska Independence Party
The Great Land One of the most appealing things about Alaska, at least for Mrs. Animal and me, is the big...
Interstate secession and its effect on the Electoral College
The idea of secession is not often brought up in “polite society”, perhaps partly due to its association with...