Well, many months have passed since I last asked these questions. Have your answers changed? ...
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Saturday Evening “Is Spud’s Real Name Brett?” Links
Let's have a poll! Is Spud: a) lying in a gutter someplace b) arrested in a drug and hooker sweep c) face...
Poll: You’re Welcome
There has been much written online about the phrase "you're welcome" falling out of fashion. It...
Poll: Pro Sports
Welp, I never thought I'd be here saying this, but... OMWC and I, lifetime sports fans, are done with pro...
Poll: More or less productive WFH?
I've worked from home for the last 12 years. I like the flexibility, the lack of professional wardrobe...
Poll: If the Presidential Election Were Held Today
A) Is there anyone among the current presumed (and actual) nominees for whom you could in good conscience...
Poll: Jury duty
So here is a contentious issue. Do you support the State’s ability to draft you into servitude? Or do you...
Poll: Zoom Funerals
An elderly family friend passed away this past weekend. (I'm dismayed that so many death notices are only...
Poll: Pokémon Go
WebDom and Mr WebDom are both Level 40 players in Pokémon Go. (The top level.) They have been known to go out...
The Day Previously Known As Tax Day Poll
Some of us have received a reprieve this year. Are you among them? Tonight's queries: Do you file your taxes...