Why do these people have to do this? Make me defend this broad. That’s right, I said “BROAD.” Now its time...
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Veteran’s Day 2021
Veteran's Day has changed a fair amount, for me, over the years. It started out with me thanking Dad...
Over-rated: no one is rational
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The original submission was a bit perishable: the following was submitted before the...
Detritus of a Restless Mind, Pt. 6 – Time for Heroes to Get in the Boat
Last night, President Dementia announced that all federal workers have to get a corona vaccine. So, let me...
Local Shenanigans
A few things locally were occurring that came up recently. No, not just the Cope Show, but my gut tells me...
Detritus of a Restless Mind, Part Quintile – Black Pills and Medical Autocracy
Warning, I may have written this post while I was a little down-in-the-mouth. It's possible I was high, too....
Somewhat Dissipative Friction, Somewhat Random Thoughts
Friction: People who stop in the middle of the road because they just realized they need to turn at the next...
“SWO Life – more like No Life Amirite?” – Part 3
"SWO Life - more like No Life Amirite?" or "A Sailors Life For Me” Part 3 Why can’t the Navy keep its surface...
I Hate the “Latte Factor”
David Bach wrote a self-help finance guide called “"The Latte Factor: Why You Don't Have to Be Rich to Live...
“SWO Life – more like No Life Amirite?” – Part 2
"SWO Life - more like No Life Amirite?" or "A Sailors Life For Me” Part 2 Why can’t the Navy keep its surface...