I read 1984 as a summer reading assignment in High School. I read Brave New World sometime around 2017. Both...

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I read 1984 as a summer reading assignment in High School. I read Brave New World sometime around 2017. Both...
This article is largely a confession of ignorance. I am the most ill-read theologian on this site, and...
Yasukuni Shrine STRAFFINRUN Yasukuni shrine in Chiyoda ward, Tokyo is a magnet for reftist activitists that...
An appeal to insomniac Glib Christians and other Glib philosophers who enjoy navel contemplation about...
Dear The Powers That Be, Enclosed please find an attempt to appease The Power That Cleanses. As usual I'd...
Warning, I may have written this post while I was a little down-in-the-mouth. It's possible I was high, too....
Yes the title is also the title of a song. No it has nothing to do with it. While, officially, I was born and...
I hated meatloaf for the first 25 years of my life. Just the thought of it made me gag. Ketchup just made it...
Link to the inaugural edition of my weekly ramblings. (T/W if you're an NYT subscriber.) Life provided me a...
Pacifism in British North America to 1765 Persecution in England was a significant contributing factor to the...