This particular piece of brain diarrhea arose out of thinking about asymmetry in the current culture, i.e....
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Random Thoughts
Random Thoughts If you have some ideas for possible submissions to the site but can't seem to stretch any of...
The Flaming Hot Cheetos Mac n’ Cheese Experiment
SugarFree [13:29pm] [13:30pm] That sounds horrible and I want to try it SugarFree [14:20pm]...
Detritus of a Restless Mind, Trinity Edition
Mister 136: A Lesson in Humility "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have...
One Year To Bend The Curve
Today we mark the one year anniversary of the beginning of the torrent of "Executive Orders"...
A Small Rant on Randomness and Futility
It all started a few days ago when I made the mistake of commenting on a Twitter thread. And a Twitter thread...
Hey Buddy, Stop Doing That! Part 2
I gotta admit I was a bit disappointed with the way some of you interpreted Part One, not surprised or...
What do you see?
We were clued into a new level of the functional insanity of Sugarfree the other day. It was decided we...
Beware of imitators, because its not the real thing.
I will go ahead and say I will require something a bit stronger in these trying times, I don’t know about...
COVID19 and the NAP: A Legal/Ethical Analysis, Pt. 1 of 2
I hadn't been in the comments as much last week because of work/life stuff, but I did catch a snippet of some...