In pondering the current scene, I’ve started to think of our society as one that has been colonized. ...
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In honor of nothing, it is time for everyone to gather ‘round for the new sound sensations of one middle-aged...
Two Minds
So, I’m of two minds these days. On the one hand, I don’t see how the ruling class’s current...
More muddled meanderings
Years ago I read a thing that stuck with me, and apropos of the recent discussion about re-reading books...
The Two Questions
Living, as we do, in an increasingly low trust society, the rational consumer of information (and especially...
Reviewing Rousseau
The two greatest critics of the Enlightment are alleged (at least by Allan Bloom in The Closing of the...
This Week’s Signs of the Apocalypse
Lots of odd stories popped up this week that I alluded to in the Mexican links a few days ago with the...
Root Cause Analysis of Civil Service Failures – Recruitment
Oft around these parts there is mention of 'The Bureaucracy' in terms comparable to those reserved for a...
RV Life Part I: How I Chose the RV Life (Or, How it Chose Me)
Here I am, sitting in front of my laptop on Vivian the Class C RV in a park in western North Carolina. How...
Before Time, the
It is said that in the before time we traveled to the white sky disc, men, in arrows of fire, hurtling at...