Jerry Pournelle is generally credited with formulating the Iron Law of Bureaucracy. In any bureaucracy, the...
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The God That Failed
The Constitution is dead. It is the God that failed. What made American Constitutional government unique was...
Self-Actualized Parenting
If you are worried this will be one of those pieces where I meander around in my head trying to be a decent...
A Republic, If You Can Keep It. Part 2
Credit to the US Army for two things in the run up to WWII. First, they figured it was very likely we would...
Yes, yes, everything is going to shit, blah blah. Same as it ever was, amirite? But this too shall...
More Random Thoughts, the Death of a Saguaro, Get Free Cocktail
We lost this massive saguaro at the Casa Dean last month. It ripped down half of the tree when it fell, and...
Too Local: FWD Seagrave
Too Local: FWD Seagrave (This is the first in what I hope is a series taken up by multiple authors discussing...
The Problem with Politics
This is a strange post for me, which I avoided trying to post for a long time. It did not start as a...
Covid-19 and Milgram’s Legacy – That Could NEVER Happen Here!
I'm not the Nazi; YOU'RE the Nazi! In July of 1961, Yale Univeristy psychologist Stanley Milgram began a...
The Last People Who Can Refuse the Vaccines: A Lesson in Orwell and Newspeak
There is a dwindling group of people in the United States who will be among the last Americans still able to...