A review/analysis sparked by two books: The Revolt of the Public (And the Crisis of Authority in the New...
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The end of the year is traditionally when most people give to charities, because as a free people we live our...
I Don’t Get It
You’ve seen them. Smug, silent, ingrates completely convinced of their own superiority over others in...
And Now For Something Completely Different – Dimorphic
I wrote this a few years ago, just dug it out for a fresh look, and thought the Glibs might find it...
The Decline of Institutional Trust
"I only trust you as far as I can throw you." "Trust, but verify." "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me...
Ihre Papiere Bitte
suggested listening Forgive a trite title and threadbare content, but here goes with a whole lotta...
Detritus of a Restless Mind – Take Two
Link to the inaugural edition of my weekly ramblings. (T/W if you're an NYT subscriber.) Life provided me a...
Of Havel’s Greengrocer and His Power
In my first installment, I quoted extensively - and unapologetically - from Vaclav Havel's brilliant essay,...
Ritual Human Sacrifice
I have to be honest here, I was planning to phone it in this week, but then I read something that made me...
One Year To Bend The Curve
Today we mark the one year anniversary of the beginning of the torrent of "Executive Orders"...