I had to hand it to STEVE SMITH. For all his Cryptid ways, he was a forgiving creature. Totally let bygones...

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I had to hand it to STEVE SMITH. For all his Cryptid ways, he was a forgiving creature. Totally let bygones...
1: Memory Lane “Grandma, I doan wanna hug no more trees,” Keilyreine said. “But this is the tree, I...
My knee locked up while I was walking to work, refusing to bend or take any weight. I lowered myself to the...
Enter... THE SQUAD! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is... GAS ATTACK! She can clear a room, or an OCCUPIED...
Today we look at Bon Jovi first hit single, "Runaway" which appears on this 1984 album, cleverly...
“Desanctimonious is announcing today,” Donald said from his faux-gold hot-tub. “It’s a terrible...
It feels like swimming up from the bottom of a deep lake. Light. Faint light, then brighter and brighter. I...
“I love you, John,” Lump whispered. “I… know…” John said, unwrapping another string cheese and feeding...
With the troubling disappearance of SugarFree, we instead offer this classic episode. 1998 February 4 ...
Previously on Glibertarians.com “Guten tag, zhe deposit box owner informed us you vould arrive today....