When I saw the card in my inbox at Glibs HQ, I knew it was going to be time to hit the road. At least...
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Trip Report: Cheyenne Frontier Days
A few weeks ago, my Mom visited Colorado for the first time. We took a trip up to Cheyenne so...
Keweenaw Peninsula Travelogue
Welcome to the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan! Home to a great bunch of people who proudly identify...
From Hobart to Geeveston
As most of you know, I hail from Australia (the full story is a little more complicated: I was born in NZ and...
RV Life Part I: How I Chose the RV Life (Or, How it Chose Me)
Here I am, sitting in front of my laptop on Vivian the Class C RV in a park in western North Carolina. How...
Yasukuni Shrine STRAFFINRUN Yasukuni shrine in Chiyoda ward, Tokyo is a magnet for reftist activitists that...
A Tour of Vermont
Apology I live in northern[1] Vermont and don't get far from my small town so the scope of this travelogue is...
Cruise Reviews You Can Use to Chase Away the Blues if You Choose Part Deux
Wherein I Aspie the Shit Outta My Trip In our last episode, I went over how it came to be that a landlubber...
Cruise Reviews You Can Use to Chase Away the Blues if You Choose
Part I: Introduction & Planning It's no secret that I am not an aquafile. I think natural bodies of water...
Too Local: Welcome to Minnesota’s North Shore
Previously, I regaled you with Too Local: Duluth, Minnesota Welcome to Minnesota’s North Shore The northern...