The Hat and The Hair: Episode 202

The Hat and The Hair: Episode 202

“I’m tired of laying low,” the hat said. “We should be out there mixing it up, getting in street fights, insulting our enemies, blood and fire in the streets!” “It's a different election this time around,” the hair said. “Lying low is the best bet here. Kamala’s...

My Japan Beard

My Japan Beard

Some of the Zoomsters have seen the prototype of my Japan Beard (and the Post Beard Era), so you can safely skip over this post. Or you can start shit-posting right away, no need to wait 30 minutes. The impetus for my Japan Beard started last year when my wife and I...

Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 12

Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 12

Prince Kord preferred the book to the blade, but studied both diligently. When what looked like a minor incursion of goblins into his family’s lands turned out to be more serious, he was sent to fetch aid. Frustrated playing messenger, Kord is tempted by the opportunity to leave his obligations behind and study magic. When his uncle and foster father are caught in a trap, Kord needs an army to rescue them – only everyone else is busy fighting their own wars.

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SugarFree’s 2016 Campaign Coverage

You know you want to share it

Secret Nazi President by BakedPenguin


DoD Anthrax Vaccine Serial by Ozymandias

The Untold Story of the DoD’s Anthrax Vaccine Program


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