Tuesday Morning Links

Tuesday Morning Links

The Yankees beat the Indians to go up 1-0. The Mets got their series with the Dodgers every 1-1. The Jets had no better luck with their new coach. And the hockey season is underway. All fun stuff. Now on to…the links! They should probably just go ahead and head...
I, Soldier – part 27

I, Soldier – part 27

Then we had to do some debate preparation. I and three others were the stand-ins for our opponents. It’s impossible to overstate the value of good training. We wouldn’t have a lot of control over how the stage was set-up, and given Alexandra’s height...
Barrett’s Privateers – Throwing Stones I

Barrett’s Privateers – Throwing Stones I

Prologue Second Contact The 2212 first contact with the Grugell Empire was indeed one of the most significant events in the history of mankind.  Humanity’s first contact with another intelligent species, leading as we have seen to the founding of the first...
Monday Morning Links

Monday Morning Links

Good morning one and all to another beautiful day! SpaceX Catches Giant Starship Booster With Mechanical Arms Man arrested outside Trump Coachella rally denies assassination intent; he’s ‘all in’ supporting Trump 24-Year Military Veteran And...
Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 18

Prince of the North Tower – Chapter 18

We had ample time to compose a letter to Jost Castor and arrange for its delivery. Despite the Grandmaster’s assertion that they had been preparing to sail, that process had stopped short of actually loading the ships. The delay required to load supplies, arms...
Sunday Morning Medically Cleared Links

Sunday Morning Medically Cleared Links

Spent the day in the ER with l0b0t playing the dutiful son by my side. Although I thought things were getting better, my fever appeared to bounce back, I was coughing incessantly (note that Spud ignored this because of his scat fixation), my intestines were...
Saturday evening links

Saturday evening links

Poor guy. Alrighty! It appears that rumors of Old Man’s demise are greatly exaggerated. He’s still sick as a dog but his frequency of shitting himself has decreased back to normal levels. Links? Who am I? How did I get here? Oh my golly gosh! A little...
Saturday Morning Sick as a Dog Links

Saturday Morning Sick as a Dog Links

My health has taken a bad turn. Nasty ass flu which has me fatigued, coughing, diarrhea (I do not recommend that combination), fever… but bless the amazing Kaiser who has stayed by my side and tried comforting and guarding. A pediatrician friend made some...