Lately I’ve found a new way to get my chocolate fix.
Since being mostly plant-based, I have found myself really missing things like cookies and brownies. Which is weird since I didn’t eat that many of them before. But whatever.
Emily Spain over at Pretty Pies has so many delicious desserts that I can enjoy.
I’ve now made this recipe twice, and it’s seriously satisfying and much less sweet than you’d expect. Using my mini-scoop, the recipe yields 35. At that size, each bite clocks in at just 49 calories, with 1 gram of protein, 3.4 grams net carbs, and 3.5 grams fat.
This is a no-bake recipe that comes together in just a couple minutes if you have a food processor.
I used regular cocoa powder and kosher salt, since that’s what I have on hand.
You store them in the fridge, and if you’re worried about eating too many at once, just pop them into the freezer.
Go here to see Emily’s original post.

SP’s Brownie Bites ready for serving
Are you baking or making treats for people for Christmas? I plan to include some of these.
This looks delicious.
Are you baking or making treats for people for Christmas?
At this point, I’m not planning on any baking or treat making. If a potluck comes up, that changes things.
Are you baking or making treats for people for Christmas?
Does mixing drinks count?
Yup! I’m making Cinnamon Bourbon Flips.
2oz. cinnamon-infused bourbon (for the love of Enkidu, don’t use Fireball or some other commercial cinnamon-flavored ‘whiskey.’)
1/2oz. Amaretto
1 large whole egg
1-2 tbsp. heavy cream
Dry-shake it until your arm gets tired, then fill the shaker with ice and shake again. Strain into cocktail glasses and top with grated nutmeg.
It’s like egg nog for people who actually like to drink.
My man!
My family makes something very like this, but without the cocoa powder (and a smaller amount of cinnamon.) We don’t refrigerate them, since it’s just dried fruit and nuts ground together.
I see those delicious looking things and the calories jump out. Mrs F is hooked on cooking shows and Fox news. Too often she will try a recipe and won’t have the same ingredients so she just substitutes or not. I eat it and keep my mouth shut.
We eat fruit for dessert usually, never or rarely anything made with the good stuff, although I like it and that’s the problem, easier to avoid than try to control.
It isn’t going to work.
Did OMWC leave?
My MIL made some brownie bites when we went over to decorate. To give them a Christmas theme, I called them reindeer poop which the kids found hilarious
Those look pretty good, SP. I may try them. I love fig newtons, so I’m pretty sure I can deal with dates.
Naw. We’ll be lucky to celebrate Christmas at all. This year, on top of all the panicdemic, has been extremely rough and Mr. Mojeaux and I are very bah humbug.
You don’t bite into it and say, “Dates!” They are very balanced.
Needs more THC
Those look seriously good. Thanks for that link
I have a new tv series recommendation: Occupied on Netflix. I’m only three episodes in, but I am hooked.
I have never been able to get into the tv series thing since the first couple seasons of Lost.
You really should try Beforeigners though. So, so good.
No doubt it will be a single season show. Just too good for them to make more and it is 2020.
You really should try Beforeigners though. So, so good.
Listen to her. This was a superb series, and we were skeptical after hearing the premise. Hooked.
Lost sucked.
There’s plenty of stuff better than that overhyped shit series.
Dude, it was 2004 and I chucked actual TV a few years after that. I will still call it as best tv series AXSHULLY on tv in 2004. Netflix is not “tv”. The production now is not apples to apples.
It lost me after the first season.
Sounds interesting, but not interesting enough to futz with Netflix.
First hour went very well.
NewWife is mostly Norwegian; they are fascinating folk.
Thanks SP, I might try this in spite of my ingrained anti hipster reflex to buy chia seeds unless I was going to grow a unique pet. A pet of my own that I watered like on tv. I bought some stuff yesterday for a pull out of my ass recipe of cross dishes. I absolutely promise to write it up good or bad, but keep in mind half the shit I make up is awful.
I would never notice, Wes, I would think that is the way it was supposed to be and my gourmet experiences would never know the difference.
The old fish camp cooking, “This tastes like Shit,… just the way I like it”. Anyone that complains get to be the new cook, not many complaints.
Just keep the spice down low, I have the same taste buds as UCS.
Just keep the spice down low,
Oh that might be difficult but I will try to think of a 4×20 version. I often tone things down I share with my parents since my dad is 4×20 as well. For awhile they would ask me to smoke a pork butt for them but tone down the sauce. I have never been to a fish camp but when I do get the gift of time and schedules I make it to hunting camp. Nobody has ever complained about my food there.
Hunting camp = fish camp for the most part. Your dad gets it.
Chia seeds are pretty nutritious, and if you put a bunch in milk overnight, you’ll have a pudding like concoction the next morning (obviously you may need sweetener and anything else to make it taste better). I used to buy them at sprouts for not a ton of money. Haven’t been to sprouts since the pandemic.
Chia seeds are completely optional.
I use them as Mr Famous commented above. I mix an overnight “pudding” with them and almond milk and oatmeal, that I then nuke for a quick and nutritious breakfast.
haha that reminds me. When I was a kid I had two guinea pigs as pets so thinking I was very clever, I thought I’d grow a chia pet and feed the sprouts to the piggies for a treat.
Guinea pigs are not picky about too many greens, but they refused to touch chia sprouts. For quite awhile after that, when chia for people came more into fashion, I always remembered my piggies turning up their nose to that stuff and I wouldn’t try it, because if even guinea pigs thought it was gross, why would I eat it?
This year I’m going to have some hot buttered rum, or know the reason why.
Why is the rum always gone?
I’m enjoying browsing the recipes on the website, but wow! She really!! loves her some exclamation points!!!
And Yay! she looks really familiar. For a second I thought SF highjacked her site.
Oops. Perhaps I shared her site with SugarFree previously….
Ass Wednesday is like chocolate for the soul.
Ass Wednesday is like chocolate for the soul.
Queue “Hershey Highway” jokes.
The gallery is good.
I see what you did there.
I could also have gone with “Ass Wednesday also serves up some pretty pies”.
So you’re saying HM eats ass?
That’s not a revelation; the man trumpets that fact.
Indeed he does and I am his herald.
Are you baking or making treats for people for Christmas?
Probably not (I am not strict about it but I try to limit my carb intake) but those look good. I will be making Cornish Hens and a side though.
Also, I would like to point out that Google’s propaganda machine remains in full swing. Google would like you to know that:
As of December 8, states have certified presidential election results, with Joe Biden as the president-elect.
That is literally, patently and definably #fakenews. Thanks for the “authoritative” information, you lying cuntes*.
*Sorry to drop politics on your baking party but I had to say something about it.
lol but only just
That looks like a delicious treat. I bet they go well with a nice port. Saved for future use.
This Christmas we’ve got an apple pie queued up. Guess I’ll try my hand at these fig thingees too.
Actually I prefer pitted dates wrapped in bacon with a pecan tucked inside and baked until the bacon is crispy.
But i guess that’s not very vegan.
pitted dates wrapped in bacon with a pecan tucked inside
Nutty, greasy, acne-weathered partners? Kinky.
Hyperion on December 9, 2020 at 5:40 pm
At least Fang Fang won’t have any effect on the Buttplugged.
That is why they will have to send in Fag Fag.
No, it’s ok. I’ll see myself out.
I wish it weren’t a school night. I’m in the mood to drink.
From anyone else that wouldn’t be disturbing.
Me too
I must be “functioning” because that doesn’t stop me.
“Are you baking or making treats for people for Christmas?”
Not for Xmas, but the old guy who lives across the alley from me just moved his wife into memory care, so I am going to bake some cookies for him.
Or, more likely, make charcoal briquets.
Looks tasty. I have been experimenting with different jerk chicken recipes. Tonight’s may have been the best. I haven’t really used a set recipe at all. Tonite was 1 orange, 1 lime, a tablespoon of salt and garlic powder, generous black pepper, 3 teaspoons allspice, 2 teaspoons coriander powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon ground clove, 2 inch piece of ginger, generous honey, olive oil and apple cider vinegar and of course, 5 habaneros de seeded. Process it up and marinade two lbs of drumsticks, reserving half a cup for basting during grilling. Served with baked sweet potato fries I chopped up, half kosher pickles and some cole slaw and potato salad from the deli across the street.
*2 days later*
You know where you can get a jerk chicken?
If-everybody-would-just-ism” is the most ridiculous ideology out there. “If everybody would just:
Wear a mask
Get the vaccine
Agree to invading Iraq
Stop drinking
Pay their fair share
Join nationalized health care
Respect the police
Stay in their homes
Quit using certain words
Gave up their guns
Blah, blah, blah
If your idea relies on everybody doing something for it to succeed, you’re either a lying totalitarian or a dipshit.
“If everyone would sweep their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.” – sampler my grandmother had on her wall
Grandma wisdom is good wisdom.
I think she recognized the futility of trying to force anyone to do it, though. She always pointed to it, and sort of laughed, like that would ever happen. But she was also big on the basic concept of take care of your own business and stop trying to run everyone else’s.
Just a reminder the book “Ain’t Nobody’s Business” is available for free on this website.
Got it! Thanks! : )
A classic, but I’m used to hearing it via Hank Williams. A highly appropriate song for the night.
Governor Coonman McBlackface is supposed to come out with new convid-1984 restrictions tomorrow. While others are being restricted I intend to continue about my normal daily business and activities.
Scruffy Nerfherder on December 9, 2020 at 6:13 pm
And in local news, the new chairperson of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Board of Trustees is…. dun, dun, duuuunnnnn…..
Carly Fiorina
Does that biotch even have any vested interest in VA or is she just another corporate, carpetbagging cunte?
I find your misogynistic attacks on Carly offensive.
If true you are the first to do so.
Italian Q.
Haven’t seen you around much lately. Thought you might have choked on some cock in a bathroom stall and left us.
Your mom has lunch ready. Eat up.
C00l link bro.
Damn, I’m acting like your mom.
Worth it for the punch line, even if her voice makes me want to pull out my inner ears with a corkscrew.
Fig Tree by Muncie Girls
Little girl at the park looks lost and is screaming “Papa! Papa!” Any takers?
Phantastic Ferniture; Mumma y Papa
I’m full up on orphans. Besides, the shipping costs are ruinous.
Tough one. Very tough.
Big Fig Wasp by King Gizzard
Volunteer Dad; Vin Scully
Been batting 1.000 with dinners lately. I looked around at recipes online and did a riff off a “Hawaiian” pork tenderloin recipe I stumbled across. I have no idea if it is actually in any way Hawaiian, but it was a hit with the kids. The sauce/glaze was pork stock, ketchup, brown sugar, pineapple juice (I added mashed up bits of pineapple to it too), and a bit of honey mustard, reduced to a thick syrupy state. Brushed on a few coats in the last 15 mins of cooking, served it with grilled pineapple slices and rice.
Tonight I went back to the old tried and true kid favorite, chicken cutlets with mashed potatoes and peas. I was very happy with them for keeping an open mind on the pork, so they were rewarded with the meal they ask for literally every week. I don’t mind making them sometimes, but those cutlets are too labor intensive to make too often.
Humble brag. We’ve cooked dinner at home every night since Nov 12. Part of it was boredom with local takeout options, but part of it was the challenge. I try one or two new recipes each week and use old favorites for other nights. This is a substantial jump from pre-commie cough; we used to order out at least twice a week. The kids have been begging me to relent and get fast food just one night. Aren’t I tired of cooking yet? The cheapskate in me says no.
Vegan and no bake sounds great. Thanks for sharing SP.
That there are less than 100 comments on this post, at this hour, is a travesty. Get your rusty tin can lid collection and let’s ride!
Saw this in the “trending column” on Twitter, gave me a good cuckle:
“Journalists and Fact checkers pointing out that Nixon won both Ohio and Florida and lost the 1960 election”
You mean the one where there is a lot of evidence that JFK stole it? Not sure i would point to that election to buttress my argument.
Election fraud a myth, comrade. There has never been a stolen election, ever.
Washington man fucks around, finds out.
FTA: Troublefield said this was the first time he’s ever confronted anyone for not wearing a mask. He said he was compelled to because both he and his wife have preexisting conditions. He said he’s frustrated that people aren’t taking the pandemic seriously and putting everyone else at risk. But he also said this will be the last time he’ll ever say anything again.
Give the guy this much: he’s not a slow learner.
SLD, he should not have been harmed.
What sort of genius confronts two guys in a parking lot. Put your bags in the car and go home.
Escalation- ““The gentleman tapped on my chest. And I flipped up his hat, and that’s when they both got out of the car,” Troublefield explained.”
Lesson learned: “But he also said this will be the last time he’ll ever say anything again.”
Also, with a name like that, perhaps he should just stay home more.
A. You were really worried about your health from exposure to COVID, and
B. Convinced that someone not wearing a mask was a serious risk of exposure
Then why would you then go up and get closer to that person?
If on the other hand you simply wanted to shame and criticize a random stranger like he was a child, then on your merry way.
remember kids- if V̶i̶c̶e̶ President Harris were still AG and this poor slob was still in his rape-cage, he never get out. They need the labor, after all.
Longest-serving marijuana inmate in US released from Florida prison
Damn it…I meant to use this link.
Rochester go boom.
Chipotle ?
Abolish the PPA.
Full of political graft…I’m shocked.
I really dig his work with The Raconteurs.
Also, fuck China.
At least Im pretty confident that Yufus is in another part of the state:
Man angry deposit hadn’t cleared threw animal trap through Ann Arbor bank window, police say
Sean hardest hit:
Pa. Farm Show butter sculpture canceled due to COVID-19
But have they ever had a giant statue of Jesus??
+ Solid (crack) Rock Church
I dont know if you’ve read the stories surrounding the church, the horse farm on the other side of 75, and Jim from Jungle Jim’s, but they’re compelling.
Not Jungle Jim?!? There goes the last of my faith in humanity!
Seems there’s some (alleged) triangle between the horse farm, church, Jim’s, drugs, and money-laundering. I dunno.
Dated article, but this doesn’t sound like an idea that came up during a weekend of blow and communion wine at all:
Pastor says he will tame and ride wild horse during service
Mornin’ Gents! I’m five birthday beers in and nobody is around.
Hey Red! Didn’t see you there!
Mornin’, Fes! Happy Birthday!
Im about the same, since it was my night/day off. Been drinking since around 3 am.
Hey Festus:
Its your birthday
Thats for real-real
Not for play-play.
Good morning, birthday boy!
Any big plans, or is birthday beer pretty much it?
Working every day for the next few weeks so Birthday Beer is it.
Thank You, Friends! 56 turns around Sol and sometimes feeling every second of it. The people here make it better. Much better!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Festus! I hope you and your tits enjoy the day.
Oops. Stupid phone.
My tits will be toiling and chafed but thanks anyway, Tardis!
Happy birthday, dude!
Thank You!
I think these people could be recruited to be Glibs:
Moorish Sovereign Citizens
“Im sorry, the answer is Moops!”
*looks around suspiciously*
This sounds very much like the way Cops would treat rape victims in the olden times. “So sorry, Miss but did you really think it was a good idea to go out in that little red number? All things being equal, it just boils down ta He said/She said situation.”
So, there’s at least 2 Biden’s under federal investigation. WTF?
How is this where our country is at?
False news. And the incoming AG will exonerate everyone involved. Hell, they may even get a Nobel Peace Prize.
They didn’t make it public until December 9th. Something significant about the 8th but I just can’t put my finger on it…
Oh noes, people might be having fun! Quick, send the po-lece.
Thank you for your service